
[Home garden diary in Japan] Halloween peppers & jalapeños purchased! [September 2024

Hi there, it's Minami.

I know it's a little late, but...

Diary of a vegetable garden in 2024/9.

I grow mainly herbs and other usable and edible plants. I want to try many different kinds of herbs, and I don't want to get too many of each for consumption, so I grow a variety of herbs little by little.

This time I bought some lovely seasonal plants, etc.♪

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 So here you go.

Jalapeños, an essential ingredient in tacos, started

We have been fortunate so far to be able to buy cans of jalapeños in the supermarkets.

Immediately, the shoots were eaten by insects ...

Is it a grasshopper?

I have never actually seen the insects on the jalapeños so I don't know who the culprit is, but I will try my best to grow them.

If you're not familiar with jalapeños and want to give them a try, even though they're hard to grow, you're welcome to try them below!

Prepare for the event with Halloween peppers!

Isn't it cute!

I don't know if it is edible (probably ornamental).

Probably a product called ‘Hot Pops Purple, ’.

The following are slightly different in shape, but are the closest in colour.

Did you get close to a nice looking garden?

It became even more spectacular when placed with these flowers, which have been blooming for a long time!

Pruning of deadwood as it is noticeable.

The selection was finally made with a heavy heart as dead trees were becoming more noticeable.

I hope this will help them grow bigger and more efficient.

Incidentally, the photo above shows berries, but they have already grown so much that they are no longer left to produce fruit.

This herb-based planter has also been cleaned.

(Forgot to take a photo after cleaning up)

I mean, I'm surprised that oregano has grown so thick. Oregano is easy to grow!

Lavender here also has a lot of dead branches...

It felt better when I cut it off✨.

In addition, soil was added. Soil decreases unexpectedly.

I hope it will absorb more and more nutrients from the soil and grow bigger and bigger for the autumn yet!

When we removed the dead branches, we dared to leave the houseplants outside as a test, but they were so badly burned that we repotted them for indoor use.

Everyone should be careful with houseplants as their leaves are softer and less able to withstand too much strong sunlight (nobody does this).

Houseplants grow rapidly.

Houseplants placed indoors are also healthy.

At the moment they are just laid out in one place side by side in vain, but when they grow to a level where they can be called trees a bit more, I hope to scatter them in different places and create a space where you can always feel the greenery!

The umbellata in the middle has grown new shoots in the centre that were not there before and have grown to the same size as the other leaves in just over a month!

Both Dracaena and Dania are large!

Dania may not have grown more noticeably than before.

Dracaena, on the other hand, is producing a lot of new leaves, probably because it has just been purchased (ongoing).

Dracaena is slightly scary to touch because the leaves have a texture that could cut your hand depending on how you touch them.


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See you in the next edition of the Home Garden Diary!
