[Environment] Films and documentaries related to water resources [Media].
皆さんこんにちは。 映画を通して水資源について学べたり、考えさせるきっかけになる…
Films which Raise Climate Change and Environmental Awareness [Sustainability]
皆さんこんにちは、みなみです。 最近よく言われる環境問題や気候変動。 もっとニュ…
Film recommendations related to rural life and farming villages [Agriculture]
みなさんこんにちは、みなみです。 今回は、農業や田舎暮らしに興味がある方におすす…
Recommended Spanish Films [Learning Spanish and Understanding Other Cultures].
Hello everyone. I am a Spanish film director, and I have been working on a film about Spain....
10 valuable films to learn about Russia and experience the Russian language [also available in Japan].
Hello everyone, this is Minami. What kind of image do you have of the country of Russia?