
[First Fruits] 2019 Veranda Cultivation - May - [Home Vegetable Garden Diary]

Hi there, it's Minami.

In this month, I'd like to introduce the status of the balcony plants in May. It's been two months since we sowed the seeds in March, but they are growing well.

May is a month that I never get tired of watching, especially since it is a time of progressive growth.

In this article, I'll show you seven main types of situations.

(1) Blueberry

First of all, blueberries, the pretty flowers are still blooming as they were in April. But what you should pay attention to is this one.

My goodness, this year, after three years of growing blueberries, they came to fruition!

I never thought the day would come when it would bear fruit, so I am happy and surprised.

I am going to take good care of it. I just pray that the birds won't eat it first now....

What a bee came and pollinated my garden. I couldn't do it myself. I am really thankful for the bees.

I hope you'll come back next year for more.

In fact, I found out that it seems to bear fruit in 2~3 years after starting to grow blueberries from a flower painting, so maybe the reason it didn't bear fruit until last year is that it just didn't have enough years to grow.

(2) Korean Lettuce

The Korean lettuce have grown to an edible size. I'm glad I spaced it out from the other seedlings as the leaves are quite large.

By the way, last year in 2018 I grew sunny lettuce and it looked pretty good, so this year I planted sunchu because I wanted to grow a different kind of the same leafy greens.

If the leaves are left to grow, they will die from the leaves closer to the soil side, so they must be plucked frequently to avoid wasting them.

By the way, I tried the first Sanchu I picked as a substitute for cabbage with my pork cutlets... In a word, it's BITTER.

It's hard to notice when you're eating it with sunchu miso and grilled meat, but sunchu is It's a bitter leaf. It was not suitable for tonkatsu. After all, it is cabbage with sweetness to Tonkatsu.

(3) Raspberries

The raspberries have blossomed too. It's about this time of year that miniature beetle-like insects that look like those dung beetles were horrible last year. It came, but not this year.

I'm just imagining, but I'm wondering if he's learned from his predecessor's mistakes because he's done a lot of supplementary killing, and has stopped coming...

Raspberries sometimes have small insects in the berries at harvest time, but this year there don't seem to be many of them. Is the unusually hot weather in May this year also related to this?

On the contrary, June seems to have many cooler days compared to May.

It was as lush as a hemp plant, and the life force was great as ever. I did not take a photograph of the whole thing, but the leaf is too lush, and it is robust to the extent that a part of the soil is not seen. It's growing.

The color of the leaves is dark green, which makes you feel energized when you see it.

(4) Beats

After I moved the beets to the planter, they started to grow well. Most of them are still Detroit seeds, but I planted the Chioggia seeds next to the ones that sprouted, too.

There is actually a difference in the stem part of the plant. Chioggia, which has a beautiful white and red oval, is unusual and common, with the stem part of the leaf as close as possible to the color of the leaf. The Detroit variety, which is the first of its kind, has red stems.

In the photo, the one on the right front is Chioggia and the one behind it is mostly the Detroit variety. We are looking forward to the harvest.

(5) coriander (cilantro)

I tried moving the pak choi to a planter, but it didn't grow with a very strong stem.

If anyone can tell me what is causing this, please let me know. Maybe it's because of the lack of sunlight.

By the way, I use it for chili dishes that I make a little bit, so I use it before it's ready to grow, and it may be because it doesn't grow well.

6) Dill

Ladies and gentlemen, dill can be really big.

If you have height limitations, please note that this is not the case. It has grown to a height that easily exceeds my height. The stems have grown thicker (thicker than a five-colored ballpoint pen), and although it is a freestanding herb, it is extremely large. You might want to put up a support pole.

As the flowers bloom, the head becomes heavier and therefore more prone to falling over.

Oh, by the way, I put an onion next to it that was starting to go a little bad. But it wasn't growing very well, and I pulled it out after this.

(7) Twenty-day-old radish and others

If we left the 20-day radishes alone after they germinated, they would have grown too much. Everyone, please move the Futsukka daikon to a planter as soon as they germinate.

If not, you'll have to harvest the twenty-day-old daikon radish that has broken off the fruit like I did (see my vegetable garden diary for June...)

The mint has also lost its April hair growth and is growing a nice, bright green color.

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