[Home Garden Diary] Massive harvest of mini strawberries, May 2024 [Wild Strawberries and Herbs
Hi there, it's Minami.
This is my vegetable garden diary for May 2024.
I like to experiment with many different kinds of herbs and other usable and edible plants, and since I don't want to consume too many of each, I grow a small variety of each type.
Again, here are some of the good and the bad both.
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This time it's basically all good! So here goes.
Table of Contents
Massive harvest of wild strawberries

It's kind of just left alone, but it's growing a lot of strawberries!
I thought the strawberry harvesting period was winter, but I was not expecting a large harvest in May.
I wonder if I am right because wild strawberries do indeed have the image of growing when they are green and lush.

This is the amount of fruit I picked at one time, but I think I picked a total of about 30 fruit in May alone.
Well, even though the fruits have grown, they are the size of your fingertips, so you won't be able to fill your stomach. LOL!
The taste is ・・・・
Sour lol.
How can we make it sweeter?
But then, toward the latter half of May, I think it gradually became a little sweeter.
What is the difference? The image is basically sweeter when it is cold, but what a mystery.
The first pak choi flowers bloomed.

The pak choi flowers have bloomed!
No longer are the familiar pak choi leaves like dill.
And when the pak choi flowers bloomed, many insects I had never seen before began to arrive.
The pak choi leaves are no longer in a shape I've ever seen before.

This is the way it should be...

Larger insects tend to come to the pak choi flowers, but many smaller ones also come.
I looked something up and it looks like a stink bug?
Still, I can take beautiful pictures with the 2x zoom camera on my iphone!
I wondered if the pak choi would attract insects unexpectedly and turn the ecosystem around nicely.
Also, I forgot to take a pin photo, but the dill in the foreground is growing nicely this time. Thank goodness.

I still see ants coming to the wild strawberries from time to time, but I still think they have greatly reduced the number of aphid-like things since the last time I wrote in my journal.
The bugs have mostly stopped coming since I weeded them out, but ...
The leaf-eating pests have been eliminated by manual weeding and also by picking extra flowers, and the weeds have almost disappeared and the insects have come much less frequently OR the variety of insects that come has become much more limited!
The red aphids are still coming.
They are boiling all over the place at the phoenix level.
Do little red bugs come to my vegetable garden? I've been seeing them a lot lately and wonder if I should get rid of them.
I looked it up and it seems to be a red mite? I don't know.
It says no harm done.But I'm concerned because there are quite a few though.
In particular, I feel that the probability of it appearing is high when weeds are pulled by hand.
If the body is crushed, it is said to itch when it touches human skin because its body fluid has an itching component.
Maybe that's why it itches slightly when I'm weeding.

Lavender: While the floral part of my lavender plant has turned brown and dried up, the leaves and stems are still green.
This gives me hope for next year!

Here's how the herbs are doing.
I haven't been in the habit of using oregano fresh, so I'm at a bit of a loss with it.
I'm curious if it will add flavor if I just put it in pasta or something. I think I'll try it next time.
But just growing it normally, the shape of the leaves is cute, so I think it's a plant suitable for adding color to the garden!
How was the article?
I plan to continue to grow them without too much effort.
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While surfing the net,I found a product that sells most of the herbs I have,so I'd like to introduce it here as well! (I wish I had bought this from the start!)