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You can learn Russian by yourself! Study methods and recommended reference books

Hi there, it's Minami.

Russian is considered to be a particularly difficult language to learn, isn't it?

But of course you can do it on your own.

In the beginning, I studied at the university once or twice a week, but in the latter half of the year, I had to do it by myself.

Everyone has mastered their native language, so you can do the same with other languages if you work hard. Fight, fight, fight! Let's do our best together!

I'd like to introduce you to some of the textbooks published in Japan, but I'd also like to introduce you to some of the textbooks I used during my language training in Moscow, which can be found on the Internet.

We offer a wide range of products, from vocabulary books to grammar textbooks with practice and reading materials that are essential for self-study.

Learning the alphabet (Cyrillic alphabet)кириллица

I think that learning the alphabet on your own is pretty hard.

I was fortunate enough to be able to learn this part of the language on my own through semi-compulsory tests at university, so I didn't have any slackness, but now that I'm studying Korean completely on my own, I've realized that learning the letters of the alphabet is very difficult.

It depends on the purpose of learning the language, but I personally think it is very important to learn the language without skipping the alphabet from the beginning.

You may think that you don't need to be able to read the Russian alphabet to have a conversation, or that it's okay to read the English version of the alphabet because it's drawn on the wall, but when you go to Russia, you basically only see Cyrillic. If you can't read it, you might end up doing something wrong because you can't read signs or warnings.

To prevent that from happening, remember! And when you can read, the amount of input is totally different.Â

By the way, I learned this ABC song by watching the Russian version of it.

It's short, can be repeated, and because it's a song, you can memorize the rhythm.

Listen to it every day for a week or two, even when you're going to the bathroom lol!

Russian Alphabet Song

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Vocabulary Notebook

CDブック これなら覚えられる! ロシア語単語帳

I feel like this is all I need for a Russian vocabulary book.

I mean, the fewer books you study in a language, the better. Yeah!

I think the amount of words you know at first is very important for your language ability, so I think it's good to have a vocabulary book. It's light and ideal for carrying.

What I like about this book is that it comes with a CD.

You may be thinking, "What about CDs nowadays? Download it and stick it in your phone. Just listen to it on your way to school or while you're walking. If you can, imitate the pronunciation.

There are quite a few exceptions to the Russian reading system, so let's learn how to pronounce them and see how they sound. The accents are also written for beginners, but not for the real Russian, so use the word book to find out!

The good thing about a word book is that it also contains example sentences, so you can look at them when you have time to see how they are used in a certain atmosphere to improve your proficiency.

Even if it's just for five minutes in the morning or five minutes at night, it will make a difference.

Grammar and general study


I used to use a designated textbook of the university separately halfway through, but I bought this one to study grammar I hadn't learned yet, and also to review the parts I had already learned.

I'm very happy with the results!

It even comes with a CD so you don't even know how to pronounce it! This is not the end of the world. In the beginning, it is important to repeat the sounds and imitate them.

What I love about it is that it's neatly organized, with grammar exercises, explanations, and examples all in one book!

If you don't know if you're going to learn Russian in earnest yet, or if you just want to buy your first book, I think you'll have no problem buying this one!

There are actually two books in this series, the first one above is for opening grammar and some exercises, but there is also a second book below for those who want more practice.

I borrowed mine from the library, but I didn't buy it because I personally didn't think I would need it.

But it's good for those who want to practice.

Survival Russian – Говорите правильно! (ガバリーチェ プラービリナ!)

著:Н. Б. Караванова

This book is divine.

I don't want to study using Japanese anymore!

I think this book is great for this kind of people

It's not as well-written as Japanese grammar books, but it's more compact with a minimum amount of explanations.

However, there are some fonts that are written in written Cyrillic in key places, so please be careful there.

The instructions are written in English.

It has exercises and is excellent for teaching regular phrases. I think it is good if you want to study natural Russian.

You can view it in PDF format, so you can print it out and use it. Of course, you can also save it as an electronic version.

Grammar reference books

NHK出版 これならわかる ロシア語文法 入門から上級まで

It is thick, but a little lighter than it looks.

This should be used like a dictionary. I don't think it's meant to be read from beginning to end.

Just by having this nearby, I can quickly solve any grammar questions I have. There is also a good explanation of exceptions.

At the end of the book, there is an index in both Russian and Japanese, which is handy if you're wondering, "Oh, where is this item? It's useful even when you're wondering, "Where's this entry? It is truly a grammar dictionary.

Personally, I love the fact that there are some prepositional votes that are not easily organized in other textbooks.

Problems that cannot be solved by textbooks alone can usually be solved by looking at this?

Reading material

Читаем и всё понимаем (Chitayem i vse ponimayem)

著:Н. Б. Караванова

Don't you think the Russian language is depleted of reading material?

So, I recommend this one.

This was the book I used when I was doing language training in Moscow, and while it was all in Russian, or English for the explanations, it was very easy to understand!

I really recommend it!

A beginner might think, "Reading material is Russian that is longer than one page, I can't do that from the beginning.

That's wrong.

You can view it in PDF format, so you can print it out and use it. Of course, you can also save it as an electronic version. You can also save it as an electronic version.


Japanese manga written in Russian.

If you are a fan of Japanese anime and manga, you can buy manga translated into Russian.

If you're sick of practicing Russian but need to keep studying, this is a good place to start.

I think it's easier to choose a genre that's not based on another world or fantasy, but on a real-life theme such as school or work.

In Moscow, you can buy it at a shop called Чук и гик, so if you're in the area, buy it!

Reference books I bought in Russia

Russian books are very cheap, so feel free to buy them when you go to Russia. You can buy them in Moscow at places like дон книги.

You'd have to go to a pretty big store to get one, so watch out!

I want you to buy some Te'el Kai problem books and other stuff that's not available in Japan! And I want you to sell them in Japan!

How was the article?

Good luck with your Russian studies!

If you want to make a goal, try to take a Russian language exam.

ほかのロシア語に関する記事についてはClicking hereからもご覧いただけます。

Also, I'll be uploading some text about the exam, so stay tuned for that too!

So long!
