Sustainability,  natural resources,  Agriculture

8 related magazines where you can learn about environmental systems and the environment [from business to everyday wonders].

Hi there, it's Minami.

In recent years, I think the main source of information has been the Internet.

But there are many other mediums for all kinds of information.

What medium can teach me extensively about a field I don't know much about?

Yes, magazines!

When you think of environmental magazines, you may think only of Newton-like magazines for researchers in English.

But in fact, there are a surprisingly large number of environmental magazines in Japan.

There is a good chance that libraries and other places will have them, so please read them when you have time, such as on holidays.

 So here you go.

(If you look through the magazine's website, you will find a lot of other information about jobs and grants, and you can get information in many different directions!)


If you want to know about scientific matters, why not read Newton, a well-known international magazine?

Newton is pretty much a place where you can learn about why certain natural events happen in the first place, why typhoons happen, how clouds are formed, and so on. and other natural sciences.

Here's an interesting one I recently ordered!

ゼロからわかる天気と気象 (ニュートン別冊) ムック (Weather and Meteorology from Zero (Newton Bessatsu)– 2021/3/16

Kentaro Araki (Supervisor)



協力 国連環境計画日本協会/気候変動イニシアティブ・JCI/ WWFジャパン/環境省/経済産業省/ あいおいニッセイ同和損保・ふるサポ/三菱総合研修所/ SDGs推進支援センター/東洋学園大学/イオン/東レ/ アサヒグループホールディングス/戸田建設/東京ガス/ セイコーエプソン/みんな電力/青森県横浜町/日本郵船/ 横浜市/小田原箱根商工会議所/ フィールド・デザイン・ネットワークス/YKK AP/大川印刷/ 富士通/大和ハウス工業/丸井グループ/リコー/ 富士フイルムホールディングス/ニッセイアセットマネジメント/ 第一生命保険 (敬省略/順不同) ●(巻頭言)新型コロナウイルス禍と気候変動問題のデジャヴュの含意  はたして、グローバル化時代に、持続可能な世界構築は可能なのか? ●UNEP(国連環境計画)インガー・アンダーセン事務局長による声明を発表 ●三菱総研が危機克服に向けた経済対策提言を発表 ●ウイルス感染と野生生物取引に深い接点  次なるパンデミックの前に人類が考えるべきこと WWF(世界自然保護基金) ●トピックス ●温室効果ガス削減目標の引き上げを世界が日本政府へ要求 ●世界の水問題に挑む東レが、海水淡水化のイノベーションを加速 ●私たちのくらしの中から世界変革への行動を起こす ●サスティナブル経営 戸田建設の2つの取り組み ●東京ガスが米国プリンシプル・パワー社へ出資し、浮体式洋上風力発電事業を展開 ●〈シリーズ〉―Interviewー SDGs 自治体・企業の取り組み ●第4回サステナブル・ブランド国際会議2020横浜」が開催。 ●単独インタビュー/何よりも社会課題の解決に取り組む企業であること ●パネルディスカッション/サステナビリティに先進的な企業は何が違うのか ●パネルディスカッション/再エネ調達を通じた地域貢献とサステナビリティ経営 ●大塚製薬が熱中症を学ぶ教材「汗をとりもどせ! みんなで防ごう、熱中症」の提供を開始 ●パラオ共和国の環境課題視察記 ●HASEKO-KUMA HALL オープニング記者会見 ●アフターコロナ 気候変動対策による「グリーン・リカバリー」を推進 ●SDGs重点課題講座 ― 循環型社会をめざしてー その1 概括編 ●トピックス ●噺家迷い箸「どうなる?どうする?新しい生活様式」

I have the impression that the articles in this magazine mainly introduce corporate initiatives.

It is also recommended for corporate businessmen, with introductions to some of the Japanese companies that are working on environmental issues.

For those who are engaged in other stakeholders, it may be good for them to read about other companies' case studies.

環境ビジネス environmental business

Environmental Business, as the name suggests, is a magazine for those who are in the business of the environment.

An online version is also available, so online-oriented people can view the information online.

It is especially good for those who would like to see case studies of various companies featured in each issue on various themes, to see what kind of initiatives they are taking and what other companies are doing to help them.

global warming

The magazine is dedicated to global warming.

Check back here for the latest issue!


A well-known and well-known environmental magazine!

Alterna is a media outlet that is widely and frequently updated on SDGs and environmental topics.

You can easily read many informative articles, from things you would normally be concerned about to interviews with celebrity environmental experts, etc.

You can check it out on our website, so why not take a look at it?

Nikkei ESG

Nikkei ESG is often read by companies and contains relevant articles, especially from an economic perspective (in short, ESG = Environment, Social, Gobernment = investment with consideration for the environment and human rights).

As the name suggests, it is published by Nikkei Inc. and is very informative, with experienced people interviewing and reporting on the top people in each industry.

アールイージャーナル(RE Journal)

R.E. Journal, as the name suggests, is a magazine dedicated to RE (renewable energy).

There are some free readings on the website as well, if you are interested.


The magazine is about agriculture and energy.

Although the vector may be a little different from the other magazines mentioned above, I personally think that energy and agriculture are inseparable from the environment with all the attention being paid to clean energy and the like.

I personally like it because it has very elaborate photos, designs, etc.

How was the article?

I have only introduced magazines that I have read at least once that deal with the environment in general.

In the future, I would like to compile for myself what magazines are available for water resources, which is my main interest.

If you would like to read one of the above magazines, please visit your local library, bookstore, or various websites!

You will surely gain and acquire new knowledge.

In addition to the ones I have introduced here, there are many other environmental magazines.

I don't have access to magazines! If you don't have access to magazines, why don't you go to the library and read a lot of them?
