
[Home Garden Diary] End of the Year 2022! Study of coffee home garden use [December 2022].

Hello everyone, this is Minami. As I write this, the new year has begun. Happy New Year!

First of all, I like to try a lot of different things, and since I don't want to get too many of each for consumption, I grow a little bit of each variety.

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Herbs (stevia, spearmint)

Herbs are growing well in winter.

To be honest, I haven't used it much yet, but I am planning to use it somehow in January.

Mint is finally getting to the size of regular leaves and I started putting it in hot water and drinking it. It warms me up and calms me down!

Dill is still using it.

Since it is the season for delicious soups, just adding it to instant cream chowder or corn soup will make you feel as if you are drinking soup from a restaurant.

Besides, people who eat a lot of fish can put it on top of fish.

You can read more about dill once in this article.

It is growing like a demon. Even though I only water it once in a while!

Other Houseplants (succulents, geraniums, wildflowers)

Otherwise, we're growing all sorts of things, and they're growing nicely, even in the cold!

I had planted some seeds, including chamomile, but those did not grow....

I wonder if the wind blew the seeds away somewhere because they were dry when I wasn't watering them.

Learning how to use coffee in the home garden

December is the month of the Master.

In a month like this, I drank a lot of coffee.

Did you know that coffee grounds can actually be used as fertilizer!

I got such information somewhere and immediately decided to sow the powdered coffee in the soil after drinking it, but lo and behold!

I did a proper research again before sowing and found out that in fact, coffee hulls alone are not enough to fertilize the plants.

When I learned this, I was very saddened.

The easier it is to imitate, the more eco-friendly it is, and if it's a hassle, people are likely to stop doing it after all.

But after a little more research, it seems that all I need to do is to buy and mix in humus, the soil in which the so-called leaves fall from the trees and are assimilated into the soil.

Moreover, once you buy the soil, you can use it to make fertilizer many times.

Moreover, once you buy the soil, you can use it to make fertilizer many times.

I found a 2.5l for 100 yen at Daiso!

So I bought it.

If you don't have a Daiso near your house. Don't worry, it looks like you can also buy it on Amazon.

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How was the article?

Having greenery in the house, even in the winter, is a great help in a season when the mind can easily become desolate!

I'll be writing the January one, of course, so be sure to watch for the next one!

Well then!
