Santome Konjaku Mura (Santome Past & Present Village): A visit to a facility where you can learn about sustainability while getting in touch with nature!
Hello everyone, my name is Minami. Recently, I have been living in Kanto and urban areas and have been in touch with nature...
Season of increasing use of dill, purchase of apple berries [November 2022].
Hello everyone, this is Minami. Today, I am writing my home garden diary for November 2022...
5 mistakes beginners make when they first start a vegetable garden.
Hello everyone. My name is Minami. Articles on home gardening are all about sparkling...
[Vegetable Garden Diary] Dead Seedlings, New Seedlings [October 2022
Hello everyone, my name is Minami. We had a big move this month. Previously, we wrote...
[Home Gardening Diary] Purchasing Seedlings in Large Quantities! August 2022
みなさんこんにちは、みなみです。 家庭菜園日記シリーズはほぼ3年ぶり?お久しぶり…
8 things you can do to help the environment with just a few changes
Hello everyone, this is Minami. Live life without burdening the environment・・・・ it does...
Just plant some of the leftover veggies! 6 things that can and cannot reborn vegetables easily
Hello everyone, this is Minami. In order to turn the vegetables that we usually buy into an even more economical...
Don't throw those seeds away! 8 things you can grow from seeds from everyday foods
Hello everyone, this is Minami. I know it's sudden, but do you usually take fruits and vegetables...
Why did I start a vegetable garden?
Hello everyone, this is Minami. I know that many of you have started vegetable gardens during the self-restraint period...
[Santu and Raspberry Harvest] 2019 Veranda Growing - June - [Home Garden Diary]
Hello, this is Minami. In this issue, I will continue to update you on the status of our vegetable garden, as we did last month in May.